Student Activities

- Engages students and staff beyond academics -

Committee Co-Chairs

Mia Bagnato ('24)


Stephanie Holmes ('24)

Meeting Time

Tuesday @ Lunch

(11:10 pm - 11:50 pm)

Meeting Place

Room 110

English / Health Hallway


Sophie Wise - (Public Relations Person / '24)

Stephanie Holmes - (Co-Chair / '24)

Mia Bagnato (Co-Chair / '24)

Marie Damato (Staff)

Claire Uiterwyk ('25)

Sophia Costa ('25)

Theo Burdick ('24)

Jack Myers ('26)

Ellenora Cary ('26)

Veer Patel ('24)

Zach Tracy ('24)

Henry Werner ('24)




1. Purpose

(a) To be responsible for an effective program of student activities at Hanover High School that encompasses a wide variety of students and to work directly with the administration toward that end.

(b) To evaluate yearly the scope and variety of the Student Activities program and report in writing to both the Council and the Administration.

2. Specific Duties

(a) To assist the Treasurer in gathering and presenting the various student activities budget requests.

(b) All members of the school community will be notified via common ground, email, and the Council minutes of the availability of, and the deadline for, applying for SA (Student Activities) funds. Requests for SA funds should be made, in writing, to the SAC (Student Activities Committee) by March 15th of the preceding year. The written requests will be made on forms designed by the SAC by October 1st. The written requests will be made on forms designated by the SAC and will include the following information:

i. Amount Requested

ii. Current Balance

iii. Forecasted Expenses

iv. Fundraising Activities

v. Number of students participating

vi. Yearly Goals

(c) In addition to the above, the following criteria should be considered by the Student Activities Committee in disbursing funds to clubs: cuts in previous year’s funding, commitment to achieving stated goals for the year, length of the club's existence, and the maintenance of diversity of offering at Hanover High School. 

(d) Members of the SAC should meet with the heads of all student organizations each semester to gain a complete picture of the activities’ needs.

(e) The financial secretary and the activities advisors shall be notified of the funds allocated for each activity by April 15, or as soon as the Dresden Budget is passed, whichever is sooner. 

(f) The Committee can fund late requests and other activities that are starting, as well as special financial needs. Application for such funds will be made, in writing, through the SAC.

(g) Student Activities may consider a school-wide activity each year. Previous activities have included Speak Series, Class Unity Day, State Spirit Day, and Earth Day. 

(h) The Student Activities Committee will suggest changes to and approve the treasure’s draft budget. The Council must pass the final budget as soon as possible after the deadline for fund requests. The financial secretary and the activities advisors shall be notified of the funds allocated for each activity within one week. In the Treasurer’s presentation of the budget to the Council, it is suggested that the following is presented: the process by which clubs request funding, criteria for evaluation, and justification for possibly contentious suggested allocations.