
Late 1960s -

The anti-Vietnam War movement found support, especially on college campuses across the United States. Youth were becoming empowered and active advocates for peace. Students were being disciplined for wearing arm bands at school to protest the Vietnam War. The “Tinker Decision” by the United States Supreme Court in 1969 defended students’ rights to wear armbands as their constitutional right to freedom of speech.

1970 -

During the Kent State Massacre on May 4, 1970, four unarmed college students were shot and killed by the Ohio National Guard. Two were protestors and two were bystanders. This event thrust the student anti-war movement ahead. Youth protested the draft and questioned the war. On May 15, 1970, two more students were killed and eleven more were wounded by highway patrolmen on the campus of Jackson State College in Mississippi. This exploded the student movement across college campuses. In 1970, 2/3 of the Hanover population was made up of HHS students, faculty, or staff. The outrage was keenly felt and spilled into the HHS cafeteria. The Hanover High School "Student" Council votes to dissolve the body protesting the attacks at Kent State, the U.S. Invasion of Cambodia, and a lack of "real power" possessed by the body. In Fall 1970, the HHS Administration supported the Student Council merging with the Faculty Council. Students were given voting power equal to faculty members. The new Faculty/Student Council experienced difficulties that undermined the Faculty/Council’s credibility.

November 1971 -

Following lengthy discussion with students and faculty members, the new Hanover Principal, Bob McCarthy, announced that the Faculty/Student Council would be rearranged to create a Hanover High Council that would share decision-making power in conjunction with the Hanover High School Administration. Council jurisdiction was stated as issuing directives to the Principal on any and all matters not the province of the Committee on Instruction (COI).

June 1977 -

The Council is unanimously approved by the Dresden School Board with the jurisdiction to "act on all matters at Hanover High School not controlled by school board policy, state law, administration regulations established by the Superintendent of Schools." The Student Handbook is reviewed and approved for publication each spring by the Council and administration and approved by the School Board.

Council is a "learning laboratory," which . . .

Council is a "learning laboratory," which former Principal McCarthy believes . . .