Council Executive

In 1972, Tom Hanlon died unexpectedly. He left a void that highlighted more than ever that this “all-school political science laboratory” needed a custodian. It was decided that the Council needed more attention and care than it was receiving. To address this, the position of Council Executive was established.

1. To serve as Parliamentarian of the Council.

2. To be responsible for maintaining and preserving a complete record of Council activities for the year.

3. To preserve and maintain records of the Council.

4. To directly assist the Moderator in carrying out the Moderator’s duties.

5. To be a non-voting member of and work with the Executive Committee, especially in developing agendas.

6. To serve as a resource person to the Council committees.

7. To serve as a liaison to the school administration.

8. To be responsible for procedures facilitating Council business and Council decisions.

9. To serve in an advisory capacity to the Council, and to its officers. The Executive cannot make motions and cannot vote.

10. To plan and run the Council’s annual fall retreat, in conjunction with the Moderator and Assistant Moderator.

11. To serve on the Judiciary Committee as a non-voting member and a resource for the chair.

12. Will serve to evaluate the work of the Judiciary Committee at least once each year and report its finding to the Council.