membership positions

AT-LARGE members

These are the twelve Council members (staff + students) who received the highest overall votes.

These members represent the entire school.

CLass of " " members

These are the sophomore, junior, and senior delegations, which each contain five voting members and one alternate. The ninth-grade delegation contains four voting members and one alternate.

Staff members

The staff delegation contains five voting members and one alternate.

New + Tuition student members

Incoming tuition students and incoming new students from grades ten, eleven, and twelve, as well as the Dresden ninth graders who did not attend the Richmond Middle School in grade eight, meet together in September of their first year at Hanover High School. They will hear statements from any new student who wishes to run for Council and will elect one to two representatives, depending on interest.

Community Members

The HHS Principal, in conjunction with other administrators [the Executive Committee and the Council Executive], appoint up to five, but not fewer than two community representatives. At least one of these must be the parent of a Hanover High School student. If possible, one of the community representatives should be a police officer. These community members have all the duties and privileges of regular Council membership, serve on committees, and may hold office as committee chairs and elected offices, except for Moderator. The Community Representatives serve to connect Council to the larger community and to represent the community perspective in Council's decision making.


After all voting positions on Council have been filled the top vote getter from each class and staff will be that delegation's alternate. There is no At-Large alternate. The alternates are expected to attend all Council functions. They are allowed to speak, but can only vote when a member of their group / class is absent. Alternates are expected to be committee members, and can be committee chairs or officers.