Regular Council meetings are held every week (Wednesday from 11:00 am to 11:50 am) during the school year — all Council meetings are open to the public (except for Executive Sessions) and are governed by Robert’s Rules of Order and our bylaws.
The Council has subdivided itself into five standing committees: Administrative, Curriculum, Organizational Engineering, Student Activities, and Student Life [in addition to Judiciary]. These committees carry out functions of data gathering, investigations, proposal writing, communications and recommendations around specific tasks.
The Council Executive serves as parliamentarian, a liaison to the HHS Administration, and a resource to committees and officers. The Executive is responsible for procedures that facilitate Council business and for maintaining a complete historical record of Council.
The Council may ...
Provide structures to facilitate student evaluation of administration and staff
Make decisions on allotment of student activities monies
Make decisions regarding rules and regulations governing student involvement in extracurricular activities
Make decisions regarding procedures involving school dances, student lounge space, and use of athletic facilities
Issue statements of support or nonsupport of administrative decisions
Make recommendations to administration involving curriculum and scheduling issues
Protect due process rights of student body
Make recommendations to the appropriate body on hiring of administrative personnel
The Council may not ...
Make decisions on scope and substance of curricular and extracurricular activities
Make decisions on type of school response to violations of Dresden School Board policy, state law, administrative regulation, and approved handbook rules
Make decisions on staffing patterns in the school
Make decisions on appointment of new staff and administrators
Council is influenced by the principles that were set in 1972 with the idea that students and staff are working together as equals.
It is important to foster a system that evolves. Council is of the people by the people, and therefore is shaped by the people over time.
HHS is the way it is because of Council AND Council is the way it is because of HHS.
No matter the extent of the challenges faced, we will abide by the HHS’s mission and work towards Council’s goals of representing the hearts, minds and voices of the people of our school community.
“Hanover High School is an active learning community that provides broad academic and co-curricular programs. We engage students' minds, hearts, and voices so that they become educated, caring, and responsible adults. All students are given the opportunity and encouragement to use their minds to pursue excellence, academic challenge, and personal success; hearts to respect and care for the emotional and physical well-being of themselves and others, and for the environment; voices to contribute to the democratic process and the common good.”