Minutes 2.1.17/Agenda 2.8.17

Post date: Feb 13, 2017 5:59:36 PM

Agenda 2.8.17

Council Minutes 2.1.17

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” -Martin Luther King

“I move to form an Ad Hoc Committee under the name Observances Ad Hoc. This committee will

work to research possibilities and to understand the legal boundaries around any motion regarding a change made to the accommodations of observances (religious and secular) and will be the driving force behind new Council motions surrounding observances once enough new information is gained”

“I move to: Add the following wording to Section 6 of The Handbook under the subsection

“Exams” and the heading “Review Period,”: “Courses requiring an examination of the material learned as the final course experience will have at least two consecutive days of formal review periods during the last two class periods prior to the week of exams.” and to strike the points “Some courses do not require a formal review period since the final course experience is not an examination of material learned” and “The classroom teacher determines the timing and length of the review period”

“I move to that Hanover High School institute a community service graduation

requirement of 10 hours per year beginning in fall of 2018. The current and amended handbook wording is outlined here