Minutes 9.13.17/Agenda 9.20.17

Post date: Sep 22, 2017 5:41:46 AM

Agenda 9.20.17

Council Minutes 9.13.17

1. Approval of Minutes

2. Reports

“I move to amend the last paragraph in Article II in the Council Bylaws to read:

The Principal has a two week limit to respond to or produce a timeline of action in regard to a passed motion. This two week period begins when the Principal receives the “Council Passed Motion Form.” This form contains the wording of the motion and a space for the signature of the motion maker, the moderator, and the Principal, along with a space where the Principal will indicate the outcome and explain their motives. If the Principal decides they need more time to consider the motion, they must give a precise weekly timeline to the Moderator and Assistant Moderator. During weekly meetings with Administration, the Moderator and Assistant Moderator will confirm that the timeline is being followed, reporting progress back to Council. If the Moderator and Assistant Moderator decide that Administration is not attempting to make progress on the motion, they can choose to consider the motion vetoed. “

I move to divide the motion into everything excluding point three under Prior Notification  Absences / Planned Absences”

I move to amend the HHS Handbook, Section V: Student Policies and Responsibilities, Attendance Policy to be the following:

Our first priority at HHS is education, either in the classroom or in other activities planned by

classroom teachers. Classroom attendance is the first expectation placed on students by parents,

teachers and administrators. A student in the classroom is part of the learning community. The

student owes it to themselves to be present.

Prior Notification Absences / Planned Absences

Notifying teachers prior to a planned absence encourages students to communicate proactively with their teachers. Students who complete the goldenrod process learn to communicate and manage time more effectively. As a result, student’s that have completed the goldenrod process are able to take part in their co-curricular activities.

In order to complete a goldenrod:

Day of Absence Notification

The parent or guardian will telephone the school by 8 A.M. The number is 603-643-3431, extension 3535. An absence will be considered a cut if a parent or guardian does not notify the school within 48 hours. If a student is in school and feels too ill to attend a class or scheduled obligation, the absence will be excused only if the student reports to the nurse, or to the Main Office if the nurse if unavailable. Failure to follow these steps equals a cut.


A student is marked tardy if they arrive after the class’s starting time. Parents may call or send in a note to excuse a student’s lateness. Any tardy over fifteen minutes will be counted as an absence, either excused or unexcused.

Lateness caused by school travel

Students will still be eligible to participate in Co-Curricular activities if school-sponsored transportation returns students to Hanover after midnight. The guidelines are as follows:

Makeup Work

Absent students are responsible for asking the teacher what assignments or handouts they missed. Before a planned absence, the student will show the teacher a plan for making up written work that is missed, and the teacher must approve this plan. If the student takes a planned absence without a makeup plan, grades for late work may be reduced at the teacher’s discretion. The student must complete work missed due to their absence. The student will be allowed time equivalent to the number of days missed, unless the student and the teacher agree to other arrangements. Work assigned before the absence will be due on the scheduled date or on the day of return from the absence, unless the student and the teacher agree to other arrangements. In cases of family emergencies, illnesses, or other circumstances beyond the student’s control, deadlines for papers, tests, projects, etc. will be extended by arrangement between the student and the teacher. For example, if the student is absent due to illness and misses a two-day review for a test, he/she will have two days to receive and study the review material before taking the test.

NOTE: Individual course standards may contain additional attendance requirements.

Unexcused Absences / Cuts

Cutting a class at Hanover High School is a serious offense with serious consequences. An absence is considered a cut when it has not been excused by a parent, guardian or school staff.

Consequences for Cutting


Truancy is defined as any unexcused absence from school. Ten half days of unexcused absences during a school year constitutes habitual truancy. A half day absence is defined as missing more than two, but less than three and half hours of instructional time. A full day is defined as missing more than three and a half hours of instructional time. X Periods are considered instructional time. For more information, please see Dresden School District Policy JH.

Excessive Absenteeism

Extended or persistent absences from class and school are detrimental and disruptive to the learning process and may have long term negative impacts on a student’s education. Chronic absenteeism also denies students the opportunity to participate in school activities and events, and other beneficial social interactions. Students, their parents and the school have an obligation to minimized a student’s absences from class and school.

In addition to the intervention process for addressing student truancy, the school shall also provide an intervention process for students who have extended or persistent excused and/or unexcused absences. When a student has ten (10) excused and/or unexcused absences in a school year the principal shall notify the student’s parents of the total number of absences during that period of time and provide a copy of Policy JH. Should a student have fifteen (15) absences within a school year the principal shall request a meeting with the parents and students. The purpose of the meeting will be to identify the reasons for the extended or persistent absences and to develop a plan to address the cause(s) of the student’s absences. When a student has a qualifying disability, the matter shall be referred to the appropriate education team. Should the intervention process fail to minimize or eliminate a student’s school absences and a student is absent for twenty (20) or more days within a school year, the principal, after discussion with the parents may seek intervention from appropriate state agencies, including court intervention. The procedures set forth in Policy JH to address student absenteeism shall be in addition to, and do not replace, any procedures required for identifying students with disabilities and providing those identified students with appropriate educational services. See Policies ACE-R and JQL-R. “

“I move to strike point three under Prior Notification  Absences / Planned Absences:

3. The main office receptionist checks off one of the reasons on the form:

“I move to amend the motion to read:

If a student chooses to explain their reason of absence, they can do so in the optional line provided.”

“I move to defer this motion to the Administrative Committee.”

5. Cell Phone Discussion

6. Meeting Adjourns