Minutes 9.27.17/Agenda 10.4.17

Post date: Oct 17, 2017 11:19:47 PM

Agenda 10.4.17

Council Minutes 9.27.17

“Once you get to where you’re going, feed the horse that got you there” -Unknown

1. Approval of Minutes

2. Reports

3. Environmental Club Allocation

“I move to allocate 500 dollars to the Hanover High School Environmental Club to buy new buckets”

4. Cell Phone Policy Motion (motion to postpone)

5. Attendance Policy

“I move to strike Section 3 under “In order to complete a Golden Rod” in the HHS Handbook under Prior Notification Absences/Planned Absences in Section V: Student Policies and Responsibilities, Attendance Policy:

I move to add the following wording at the bottom of the HHS Goldenrod:

Reason for absence (optional): _________”

6. Meeting Adjourns